Kreis Enderle Participates in United Way Day of Caring in Kalamazoo
September 14th, Billing Supervisor, Deb Spiegelberg; and Marketing Coordinator, Kiersten Tallant, participated in the United Way of Battle Creek and Kalamazoo Region’s sixth annual Community Law Challenge Day of Caring. This year, the Kreis Enderle volunteers spent the afternoon with residents of Kalamazoo’s Friendship Village Senior Living Community, providing residents with “spa manicures.” Although the joke of the day was for the volunteers to keep their day jobs, the residents and volunteers equally enjoyed spending the afternoon visiting with one another.
The Day of Caring is a part of the United Way’s Community Law Challenge, a program that encourages healthy competition between local law firms, to increase the overall impact in the community through donations and volunteering. Kreis Enderle was honored to be recognized as the winner of the 2016 Community Law Challenge and proudly displays the Lady Liberty trophy in the lobby.
Kreis Enderle has been involved with the United Way’s Community Law Challenge for many years encouraging involvement and participation, among local firms, with events like the Day of Caring. If you or someone you know would like to get involved, please visit